

Awards Received by Sergiy Lysyy in Recent Years


  • Painting “Villa Falconieri-Frascati” paper, watercolor, 54x74 cm, 2023 m. May 1-11 d. international exhibition festival “Lacquarello sulle vie del Grand Tour” - academy “Vivarium Novum”, Frascati, Italy. The painting is printed on the cover of the festival catalog, used to present the event worldwide


• Painting “Villa Falconieri-Frascati” paper, watercolor, 54x74 cm, 2023 m. May 1-11 d. international exhibition festival “Lacquarello sulle vie del Grand Tour” - academy “Vivarium Novum”, Frascati, Italy. The painting is printed on the cover of the festival catalog, used to present the event worldwide


• Painting “Morning of the New Day” (“Morning of the New Day”) paper, watercolor, 55x75 cm, 2021. international exhibition “101st International Open Exhibition “ NWS (National Watercolor Society)-United States of America; won the selection and became a member of NWS

• Awarded a letter of appreciation by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania in 2021 for the exhibition of watercolor works "Lithuania-through my eyes" presented in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 22 November-3 December 2021


• Painting “Madrid” paper, watercolor 64x49 cm, awarded, 2020. December. international exhibition “40st annual International Exhibition” SDWS (The San Diego Watercolor Society San Diego watercolor association) United States of America


• Painting “Lithuanian Light” paper, watercolor, 55x65 cm, 2019. 1st place winner at the international exhibition “IWS Mexico”, Mexico


• painting “Venetian Evening” paper, watercolor, in 2018, became a prizewinner in the international competition “2018 Best of Landskape – GAWA (Global Association of Watercolor Artist) International watercolor”


• painting “Vilnius” paper, watercolor 75x55 cm., in 2017 became the 1st place prizewinner in the international competition “ABURAWASH PRIZE”


• Painting “Venice”, paper, watercolor, 50x70 cm, 2015. nominated TOP20 art competition results 2015 5th annual IWS (International Watercolor Society) competition “Homer Love and Peace through Art-Watercolor Festival”, Bornova, Turkey

• Painting “Old Ship” paper, watercolor, 56x76 cm, 2015. international exhibition International Watercolor Elite Exhibition 2015”, Taipei, Taiwan

• Painting “Boats” paper, watercolor, 55x67 cm., 2015. participated in the international exhibition: 2015-2016. during the international exhibitions “Shenzhen international watercolor Biennial”: “Zhejiang art museum”, “Guangxi Art Museum”, “Wuhan Art Museum”, “Jinling Art Museum”, “Qingdao Art Museum”, Shenzhen, China

• Painting “Tallin” paper, watercolor, 49x76 cm, in 2015 awarded with a diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination “Cityscape” III international competition “ART-BRIDGE-WATERCOLOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIO-2015”, St. Petersburg Artists' Union, St. Petersburg, Russia

• Awarded a letter of appreciation by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 15 October 2015 for intercultural fostering, participated in the exhibition "City Landscapes" dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the birth of Mstislav Dobužinskis

Sergiy LysyySergiy Lysyy